At Southwest Fox 2009 I showed a little utility that allows the creation of a VFP report based on the layout of a form or class. I had a need to do this quickly with several forms, so I whipped this up. All you need to do to use it is select the objects in the form or class designer that you'd like in a report, then run CXToFrx.prg and it will quickly create a report that matches the layout of the items you've selected in the form or class designer. This is a crude little utility that I whipped up for a specific need and it only supports textboxes, labels and editboxes at this point, but based on the oohs and ahs, thunderous applause and millions of dollars I've received in PayPal donations since I demoed it, it apparently has a lot of value.
In order to use it you have first create a report file named blankreport.frx in the folder where you place the CXToFrx.prg file. Enjoy...
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